Top Life and Business Success Strategies
Success is not about having a lot of money or being prefect.  It is about Fulfillment, Balance and Processing in our Life and Businesses.

Here are 8 Strategies


Create Positive Relationships:
Pay attention to the people you have around you.  Having people that mentor you, coach you, celebrate your successes, motivate you, want you to succeed and love you.  Pay attention, how are you showing up for others?

Asking Powerful Questions:
Some top questions that you can ask yourself and others are.. What do you want? (Personal and business) What if? What else?  If not now, when? Asking simple questions to explore possibility help us move forward and creates change.

Development of Mission/Vision Statement:

Creating  Mission/Vision statements are not just for business they work personally as well.. This living document becomes the road map.

Know and Live your Core Values:
Who are you at the core? What gives you energy, fulfillment and excites you?  This is the foundation from which we make decisions and the compass for direction.

Know and Acknowledge your Natural Strengths:

When we work from and on our natural strengths we excel.

Be Creative:
A life and business that is open to give and receive creativity have inspiration.  Be open to new ideas, different perspectives.  “Art, music, reading books”.  Create  surroundings that give you energy.  Create dream boards.  Create your “I AM” statements, write them and say them out loud every day. “I am creative, I am powerful, I am successful”.

Allow Yourself to Dream
Never lose hope.  At times we can get tired of fighting and even forget what we are fighting for.  Some times all the pushing doesn’t help and we get to stop and allow the dreaming to happen.  Allow the love and miracles to come into your life.

Look at Fear:
“What we resist will persist”.  Our negative thoughts and self-talk can take us down faster then most anything. When they come up check in and ask yourself;  what about this statement is true, and what about it isn’t. Most of the time self talk are warnings, they are messages we have created to keep us safe. What is the fear about?

These are a few strategies.. Click on Comments and share yours:

If you need help with any of them contact me.  I will partner with you to help you find your answers and direction.


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